Our organizational unit is present in every Faculty of Economics and Business program, from higher education vocational training through undergraduate to master's programs, offering foundational, core, specialized, and elective courses. Our colleagues play a significant role in both Hungarian and English-language education, not only in undergraduate but also in doctoral programs. Additionally, we undertake further responsibilities by teaching across several other university faculties. Our colleagues continuously report their research findings through their publication activities. Through our expert activities, we strive to contribute to the city and county's economic development and enhance their ability to attract capital.
The Institute's educational activities focus on teaching foundational subjects in world economics, international business, European integration, and economic law, as well as the theoretical and practical specialized subjects based on these.
In our educational activities, we place great emphasis on ensuring high-quality teaching. Our goal is to provide our students with internationally competitive knowledge. To this end, we use international textbooks that contain standard course material whenever possible. In economic law, we develop significant teaching materials. Our methodological principle is to develop students' thinking in world economics, intercultural, and economic law perspectives and to enhance their problem-solving and analytical skills.
In addition to teaching, scientific research is the institute's other main area of activity. The institute's faculty members are engaged in significant scientific activities, earning substantial recognition in academic circles. Our researchers can present at the most prestigious international forums in their fields, maintain working relationships with leading domestic and international research groups, and have received distinguished scientific awards.
We also manage the Bachelor's program in International Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Master's program in International Economics and Business (MA in International Economics and Business) offered in both Hungarian and English.
Head of Institute: Dr. László Erdey, Assosciate Professor
Secretary: Anita Már, Managing Expert
Department of European Integration
- Dr. Tibor Tőkés, Associate Professor, Head of Department
- Dr. Fruzsina Sigér, Senior Lecturer
- Zsuzsanna Trón, (PhD) Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Law
- Dr. Géza Károlyai, Associate Professor, Head of Department
- Dr. Emese Enikő Törő, Associate Professor
- Dr. András Helmeczi, Senior Lecturer
- Dr. Péter Miklós Kőmíves, Senior Lecturer
Department of World Economy and International Business
- Dr. Tünde Riskó Dr. Csapóné, Associate Professor, Head of Department
- Dr. László Erdey, Associate Professor, Head of the Institute
- Dr. Troy Wiwczaroski, Associate Professor
- Dr. Ádám Márkus, Senior Lecturer
- Dr. Eszter Tóth, Assistant Lecturer
- Marianna Abuczki, PhD Student
- Zsuzsa Kardosné Riz, PhD Student
- Andrea Szőllős-Tóth, PhD Student
- Edina Várnagy, PhD Student
- Sibulele Mchani, PhD Student
- Liu Laisha, PhD Student
- Gao Tianji, PhD Student
- Jiang Yinuo, PhD Student
Visiting Lecturer:
- Prof. Dr. Tamás Fézer, Professor
- Dr. Sándor Hajdu
- Prof. Dr. Csaba Lévai, Professor
- Enikő Pergéné Szabó
- Dr. János József Szabó, Honorary Associate Professor