The academic staff of the former Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences of Debrecen, established the Farm Business Management Foundation (UASD, University of Agricultural Sciences of Debrecen) in 1996 to modernise research work and to boost the level of professional training.
The aim of the Foundation, established to support and recognise the work of the academic staff, researchers and students, is to provide the required conditions for scientific activities carried out in and by the Institute of Management Sciences and thereby open up new opportunities to promote education and research work in farm business management and business economics.
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- preservation of the traditions of the school of farm business management established by Professors Gönczi, Kádár and Vadász,
- development of high-level education and research work in farm business management, business economics and farm business management,
- support for professional activities of Hungarian and international participants in education and research work,
- development of education and research management-related methodological disciplines,
- support for talented students so they can become capable of building relationships with business representatives in order to collect data and gain professional experience,
- further develop the rural area and its agricultural enterprises.
- financial contribution to the research costs of students, academic staff and researchers at the Department,
- contribution to education modernization in farm business management, business economics and methodology,
- financial contribution to both domestic and foreign study tours,
- financial contribution to the preparation of manuscripts, student projects, degree theses, publications and books in the area of farm business management and business economics,
- organization of events in the areas of farm business management and business economics,
- support for research activities, professional development and data collection by young instructors.
- financial and professional support for domestic and foreign study tours,
- support for student talents in their preparation for the Scientific Student Conference,
- support for Ph.D. student research work in the professional fields of the Foundation,
- raising financial resources from project funds for the operation of the Foundation.
All current events and tender invitations are available on the Facebook site of the Debrecen Agronomical School (UASD University of Agricultural Sciences of Debrecen).