Dean’s order no. 2 (11. september 2020)

Dean’s order no. 2

11 September 2020


Dean’s order no. 1 is repealed effective on 11 September 2020.

“Classes at the Faculty of Economics and Business (GTK) started on 7 September 2020, with the personal presence of teachers and students as well. Exceptions from the above will be students at Kisvárda and Oradea (Nagyvárad) campuses, as well as students in foreign-language programmes who can provide evidence of their inability to travel to Hungary and have submitted an individual application to the Registrar’s Office of the GTK, decision on which is made jointly by GTK and the Coordinating Centre for International Education (NOKK). These students can join online the classes held with the personal attendance of other students, at the scheduled times in Debrecen.

The university’s e-learning system ( must be used in case of all courses taught at GTK in this semester. Faculty members are required to upload to the e-learning system the course materials for a given class at least 24 hours before the class in such a way that it is accessible to students.

The set of requirements and the times of office hours by teachers have been uploaded to the e-learning system by 4 September, and are available under the “Official information” menu item.

In case of courses for full-time students, the set of requirements will also include the dates and times of in-class written examinations. Examinations will take place by using the options available in the e-learning system, both in case of written and oral examinations, with the exception of oral reports to be given in person at the times shown in the schedules. The Education Committee will review the scheduled dates/times of in-class written examinations for each programme, from the point of view of student workloads and suitable room capacities. Where necessary, the Education Committee will make proposals for changing the dates/times.

In case of correspondence students, the forms of examinations will be determined in consultation with the students enrolled in the given year; reserving the rooms for such examinations will be possible via the Registrar’s Office. 

Teaching will take place on the basis of the time schedule published on the website of GTK, at the given venues and times. An exception from this are students participating in the English-language programmes, who are subject to a temporary provisions (Annex 2).

The recording of student’s class attendance will take place in the e-learning system, on the interface of the given course, with the application of attendance sheets created by the teachers.

In the buildings used by GTK on the Börszörményi Street Campus, all persons (students, teachers, external guests) are required to wear face masks properly (covering both the nose and the mouth). Exceptions are offices where only one person works.

Persons entering the buildings of the GTK who do not have a mask or do not wear it properly may be sent out from the building. If a student does not have a mask, or does not wear it properly, the teacher is required to send him/her out from the class. Such absences from classes will count as missed classes. In case the student returns to the class wearing a mask before half of the class time, attendance will be accepted. During the classes, in case a distance of at least 1.5 metres between students and the teacher can be ensured, the teacher is not required to wear a mask.

At the beginning of each class, teachers will take the temperatures of some randomly selected students. If the temperature of the student is above 37.5 C, the student is required to leave the building of the university, and it is recommended that they contact their general practitioner physicians.

In case of a change in the health condition of the student, the document titled “Declaration in connection with COVID-19 infection” must be completed again within 12 hours.

The absences of students are treated in accordance with the requirements of the Academic and Examination Rules. It is recommended that students should retain their official certificates/doctor’s notes related to their absences, and in case the extent of those absences exceed the permitted level, they should submit a general application in connection with this issue via the Neptun system. These applications will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

For all persons working at the Faculty of Economics and Business, electronic channels will be the primary means of continuous communication with students, which channels will be found in case of teachers in the syllabus for the given course available in the e-learning system. Contact with administrative employees at the institutes is possible via e-mail or telephone. 

Contact with the employees of the Registrar's Office (or the Office of Education Organisation in Szolnok), with the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and the Vice Dean for International Affairs in case of matters requiring personal presence is possible by way of making an appointment in advance via the e-appointments system of the University of Debrecen; in all other cases, contact is only possible via telephone or electronic channels (Neptun, e-mail).

Student applications can only be submitted via the Neptun system, with the exception of applications for credit transfer. The rules applicable for the submission of credit transfer applications can be found in the rules of procedure titled “Credit transfer at the Faculty of Economics and Business.”

Enrolment for admitted student takes place in online form after 31 August 2020.

For areas not covered by the present Action Plan, the relevant provisions of the Academic and Examination Rules are applicable.


Debrecen, 11 September 2020

For Dr. Károly Pető



Annex no. 1 to Dean’s Order no. 2

11 September 2020

On the temporary implementation of digital education outside of classrooms for students participating in English-language programmes in the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year

  1. Courses in the framework of digital education outside of classrooms will be implemented with the use of the Webex system.
  2. These temporary rules remain in effect from 14 September 2020 until 4 October 2020.
  3. All times indicated in the class schedules are given according to the Central European Standard Time (CEST) zone.
  4. Our educators are required to teach the classes from the Böszörményi street Campus, except for those in official quarantine. In such cases, they are required to submit the official decree ordering the quarantine to the email address. The substitution of those on sick leave must be solved within the given Institute; no classes can be rescheduled to a different time slot for this reason. 
  5. Teachers are required to teach the classes live, in the Webex system, in the form of a “scheduled event (meeting)” by ensuring interactivity with the students, as far as whenever possible, with the given number of participants attending the class.
  6. Students are required to log into the Webex system with their full names, as used in the Neptun system.
  7. Teachers are required to block the possibility of entering the online classroom in the 20th minute of the class, after which point, students can no longer join that event, and their absence will be recorded.
  8. We recommend to our teachers that they should teach the classes not via a Wifi network, but with the wired internet connection installed in the Campus.

The objectives of the courses remain the same; however, their mode of implementation will be temporarily changed.
The university’s e-learning system ( must be used in case of all courses taught at the Faculty of Economics and Business this semester.

    Legutóbbi frissítés: 2022. 08. 01. 17:55